9300192016L Battery jumper set-5Gauge ( Universal ) 9300192035L Battery jumper set-2Gauge (Heavy vehicle)
English version 7 battery jumper cables buying tips.Being stranded on the side of the road with a broken down car is something we all try to avoid. It’s always a good idea to carry a set of Battery jumper set with you at all times as you never know when your car or someone else’s will have a dead battery. It is good to have it in case of emergency. Battery jumper set are one of the many items that you should never ever buy the cheapest one .You usually use it at the most INAPPROPRIATE times, in the freezing cold, at night, early morning or in the rain. Don’t skimp on this important piece of safety equipment. It’s a common misconception that all Battery jumper set will do the same job. This is patently untrue and believing that lie is a good way to end up stranded even though you have cables in hand. Many people don’t realize that it really does matter which kind of Battery jumper they are buying. If you are going to buy a Battery jumper set for your car, then you must be cautious and concentrate on some basic things like what we are going to discuss as follows: 1) Cable gauge-selection of gauge. 2) Cable material. 3) Jumper Cables Insulation 4) Heavy Duty Clamps. 5) Warranty. 6) Instruction manual 7) Storage Bag
Please take a moment to read through our 7 tips list before you making any decision. Maybe is a little bit bore (long article & too many technical terms). If you want to skip it... What can you do? Click the link here (9300192016L or 9300192035L)Battery Jumper Cables Buying Tip No1 1) Cable gauge-selection of gauge (The higher the gauge (numerically) the thinner the wire).Thicker cables are capable of transmitting more electric current, the best jumper cables you can buy for your car are heavy duty jumper cables. The thickness of jumper cables is measured in gauge, and the lowest gauge number indicates the thickest cables.
Battery Jumper Cables Buying Tip No 2 2) Cable material Beware of cheap jumper cables. We have found the cheap 2 gauge sets are really 4 gauge or "copper clad" aluminum (CCA cables) instead of 100% copper. Aluminum has 1.5 times the resistance of copper. Buy a quality copper battery jumper cables.
Welding CableWelding cable is build to be flexible. It usually has a high temperature rating and a soft flexible insulation & oil resistant. Welding cable tends to be large gauge wire so it does work great as jumper cable. For that reason I do recommend it for automotive applications where the ability to roll it up and easier to put it behind the seat in the car.
100% full copper cablesWhy copper cables?
Copper is the best conductor out of all of them.This means that the resistance of copper cable is relatively low . An aluminium cable would have nearly twice the resistance of a copper cable with the same dimensions. Therefore the energy losses in the aluminium cable will be higher than in the copper cable. The copper cable is more energy efficient.
You will need the jumper cables to be flexible when you use it for jump start.
When you use copper jumper cables, it is unlikely to be loosen. When other materials are to be used, they can sometimes be loosen where they are connected and come unattached.This may lead to dangerous conditions and waste a lot of time re-fixing everything.
Not to be worried about surface oxides forming on it. It is truly the best choice for jumper cables.
Two types of cheap welding cables
What is CCA cables? CCA has some advantages over solid copper, mainly surrounding weight and cost. CCA is significantly lighter than copper and in some applications can offer advantages in cable containment and handling. Aluminium is around one third of the price of copper and therefore offers cost savings over solid copper conductors. Theft is also less likely with scrap values largely reduced. It also has better corrosion resistance over plain aluminium.
What is CCS cables?
Conclusion Few tactics to differentiate Copper Cables, CCA and CCS Cables? 1. When you cut the wires, you will see that the copper wire is copper coloured all the way through whereas CCA is aluminum coloured in the middle; (You need to take a close look of it)
Battery Jumper Cables Buying Tip No 3 3) Jumper Cables Insulation When we mentioned welding cables, it could be confused with two important components of it: sheath and insulation. While both provide protection for the cables, their respective jobs. Outer sheath functions as oil ,chemical resistant & fire redundant. Inner insulation located between the cable’s center conductor and sheath. Inner insulation is a non-conductive material, or a material resistant to the flow of electric current. It is often called a dielectric in radio frequency cables. Insulation resists electrical leakage, prevents the wire’s current from coming into contact with other conductors, and preserves the material integrity of the wire by protecting against environmental threats such as water and heat. Both safety and effectiveness of the wire depend on its insulation.
Overheat lead to insulation melting off L
Battery Jumper Cables Buying Tip No 4 4) Heavy Duty Clamps Better clamps(alligator clips) will transmit electricity much better. Heavy duty jumper cables come with bigger and stronger clamps. This makes for better connections between the two batteries terminals, which reduces the chance of jiggle to avoid sparking occur.
Battery Jumper Cables Buying Tip No 5 5) Warranty How to distinguish the quality of the product?
L&N JAYA SDN BHD is proudly to offer the BATTERY JUMPER SET with 10 year warranty. Through many years of industry experience and extensive products testing, we believe that a premium jumper cables will be able to provide exceptional and reliable result and for this reason that we are proudly to offer the longest warranty to our customers.
Battery Jumper Buying Tip No 6
6) Instruction guide manual
Most importance tip!
The process of boosting of a battery is especially important. Jumper cables should be connected properly to avoid sparks, which may cause an explosion of the hydrogen gas emitting from a battery. Beyond this, an incorrect hook up can damage critical and expensive electronic components. The procedure is simple: Connect the positive (+) clamp to the positive terminal of the weak battery and the other positive clamp to the corresponding terminal of the good battery. Next, the negative (-), or ground, terminal on the good battery and, finally, the negative clamp to the engine block, frame or other grounded metal as far as possible from the battery. You want to avoid sparks in the vicinity of the explosive hydrogen gas that emits from the battery. Do not connect it to the ground terminal (negative). To remove jumper cables reverse the instruction guide above order.In short : Positive to positive and negative to negative are two very important things to remember when jump starting a car. Otherwise you could end up with two very burnt cars, like the ones seen at our facebook page.
Additional suggestion:
This is what happens when jump start the car goes wrong
Battery Jumper Buying Tip No 7
7) Storage Bag Our jumper cables storage bag will protect your cables and keep it in an easy reach place. This handy storage bag will fit neatly at the car boot or lay it inside your spare tire to solve your storage problem!
CONCLUSION Choose Battery Jumper Set with sufficiency gauge(AWG), cooper wire, cable flexibility, heavy duty clamp with proper guidance instruction.
L& N JAYA SDN BHD Heavy Duty Professional Grade Battery Jumper Cables:
Our battery jumper cables set is 100% copper, premium 2 gauge sets (9300192035L) & universal 5 gauge (9300192016L) made in the Malaysia by L&N JAYA SDN BHD. In the new reality of a transparent global market place, companies need complete confidence in the safety, quality and performance of their products in order to promote consumer loyalty and differentiate their brand.
We sell product & services to solve customer’s problems. Not to create another problems to our customers. Do like us on facebook www.facebook.com@premiumbatteryjumper and show support to L&N JAYA SDN BHD
Chinese version 重型汽车急救线购买指南及注意事项
当汽车电池突然没电,停滞在路边,不知所措。我们都可尽量避免。 您永远不知道什么时候您的车还是别人的车会遇上问题。车上随时备有一组汽車急救线(Battery Jumper Set) 就可帮助您在紧急情况下解决这令人困扰的问题了! 重型汽车急救线,一般用在您出乎意料的时候。在清晨、晚上、雨中或是在您赶着上班的时候。所以, 不要对这安全设备吝啬,品质保证是您的选择而不是价钱。 这是一个普遍的误解,人们认为所有的汽车急救线有着同样的作用。这显然是不真实的。 如果你打算为您的汽车买一个汽车急救线,不管您买哪种汽车急救线,那么你一定要谨慎,注意以下一些基本事项: 1)电缆-厚度标准表 2)电缆原材料 3)汽车急救线的绝缘层 4)重型夹持器(鳄鱼夹) 5)保修期 6)使用说明书 7)收纳袋
请您在作出任何决定前,花一点时间仔细阅读以下的7个购买建议及注意事项。 也许是无聊一点点(长篇大论及太多技术术语)。 如果你想跳过它... 您可在这里点击链接(9300192016L或9300192035L)直接购买
重型汽车急救线购买指南及注意事项 1
- 能携带更多的电流(安培,amps)。 - 能更好地启动汽车电池。
- 不能携带足够的电流以启动汽车 并且在某些情况下,可能会因过热而破坏了电 缆,引起火花、火灾甚至爆炸。
重型汽车急救线购买指南及注意事项 2 2) 电缆原材料 提防低价汽车急救线。普遍市场上所推荐廉价的配套的电缆一般上原材料为“铜包铝”(CCA电缆)而不是100%的铜。铝比铜具有1.5倍的电阻。 所以,购买100%铜汽车急救线才是您最终的选择。
焊接电缆(Welding Cable) 焊接电缆的构造是具有伸缩性的。它通常具有较高的抗热度,柔软的绝缘层及抗油性。焊接电缆倾向于大电量的电线所以它的功能与汽车急救线如出一撇的。出于这个原因,它适合卷起来,放在汽车座椅后面,并作为汽车急救线。
100%全铜电缆 为什么是铜电缆?
i) 良导体 铜是最好的导体。这意味着,铜电缆的电阻相对较低。相比之下,同尺寸的铝电缆比铜电缆拥有多两倍的电阻。因此,铝电缆的能量损失会比铜电缆的更高。这足以证明铜电缆比铝电缆更加有效能。
ii) 伸缩性 您所需要的汽车急救线须要伸缩,这可让您更方便地使用。
iii) 高熔点 倘若安全是您考虑的因素之一, 铜线将会是你最好的选择。铜线有着高熔点的特征,它是需要一段时间来熔化。所以,铜线不会因过压或电流冲击而溶化或燃烧。这意味着,火花、火灾、甚至是爆炸发生的可能性将会大大降低。欲知解详情,请观看视频。
iv) 不易溶散 相较其他材料,铜电缆是不易溶散的。如果电缆在使用过程中溶散,将会导致无法预料的危险情况。 这不仅会浪费您的宝贵时间,也可能会影响您的生命安全。
v) 铜电缆是持久且耐用的 铜线有着不易氧化的特征,相比其他原材料所制成的汽车急救线,使用铜所制成的汽车急救线会更加地持久耐用。无可否认,铜才是制作汽车急救线的最佳选择。
两种廉价的焊接电缆类型 CCA电缆 什么是CCA电缆? CCA电缆是使用铝导体并加上薄铜镀层所制成的。它是由铜包住铝所制成的。相较之下,铝比铜更加便宜。不仅如此,铝的导电性质也差于铜。因此,铝电缆的能量损失会比铜电缆的更高。然而,CCA 电缆使用铝大幅取代并降低了铜的含量,只是为了减少生产的成本罢了。 当然,CCA电缆也有其优点。CCA电缆的重量较轻,价格也较便宜。铝的价格只是铜的三分之一,所以使用CCA电缆可节省成本。间接之下,盗窃其以成为废铁的可能性会大幅降低。
CCS CABLE 什么是CCS电缆? CCS(铜包铁)类似于CCA,但CCS是使用铁导体并加上薄铜镀层所制成的。CCS电缆与CCA电缆的制作方式是大同小异的。铁比铝有着更高的强硬度,但它却比铝重且缺少伸缩性。当然,铁的导电性质也是差于铜的。
结论 怎么区分铜电缆,CCA和CCS电缆? 以下是几种简单方法以区分铜电缆,CCA和CCS电缆。 1.当你切断电缆时,你会看到几乎所有铜丝是铜色的,而CCA电缆的中间则会有铝色的; (你需要仔细检查一番) 2. 如果您使用 , ,而CCA线则是一燃烧就 ;欲知更多详情,请观看 。 3. 相较之下,铜电缆的重量会比CCA和CCS电缆更重。 4. 观察供应商所提供的电缆保修期(物品质量和保修期是成正比的)。
重型汽车急救线购买指南及注意事项 3
3) 汽车急救线的绝缘层 有如以上所提到的焊接电缆,人们常常混淆它的两个重要组成部分: 外绝缘层护套和内绝缘层。两者都提供着保护的作用,但又各有千秋。
重型汽车急救线购买指南及注意事项 4 4)重型夹持器(鳄鱼夹) 鳄鱼夹相对来说更加好夹,也能更好的输电。一般上,重型汽车急救线会配有较大又坚牢的夹持器。这使得两个电池的接线端子之间有更好的连接,从而降低振动,以避免产生火花。
重型汽车急救线购买指南及注意事项 5 5)保修期 如何分辨产品的品质与质量?
L&N JAYA SDN BHD将给予重型汽车急救线十年的保修期限。通过多年的行业经验和大量的产品测试,我们认为这优质的焊接电缆将能提供可靠的耐用性。因这原因,我们可为客户提供最长的保修期。
重型汽车急救线购买指南及注意事项 6 6)使用说明书 最重要的注意事项! 电池的启动过程是特别重要的。汽车急救线应正确地连接,以避免产生火花。因为这可能导致氢气从电池中放射从而导致爆炸。除此之外,不正确的连接也可以损坏昂贵的电子零件。 连接程序很简单,以下是连接程序的步骤: 先将夹持器从不足电压电池的正端(+)【红色】,连接到足够电压电池的正端(+)。简单来说就是将两个电池的正端(+)互相连接。 接着,将夹持器从足够电压电池的负端( - )【黑色】,连接到电压电池的车身或底盘。 移除步骤则是将连接程序的步骤相反即可。
简而言之: 正端(+)连接到正端(+),负端(-)连接到负端(-)是启动汽车是最重要的两件事。否则,您最终可能损坏两辆汽车,有如那些我们在Facebook页面所看到的。 温馨提醒: 务必记住连接程序的步骤。 凡购买一套L&N JAYA SDN BHD的重型汽车急救线将可获得3 种语言(英文、马来文、华文)的教学指导手册。
提示:安全使用重型汽车急救线。 小意外可能会损坏昂贵的电子零件。 严重意外则可能引起: -
重型汽车急救线购买指南及注意事项 7 7)收纳袋 我们的重型汽车急救线收纳袋将保护您的电缆,为您解决存储的问题并能存放在易取的地方。这个收纳袋将适合存放在(汽车后部的)行李箱或是存放在备用轮胎箱内。 结论 请依据以上注意事项选择优质重型汽车急救线并时刻谨记着连接程序指南。 L& N JAYA SDN BHD的重型汽车急救线 : 我们公司所售卖的重型汽车急救线是100%的纯铜,优质的2 gauge sets (9300192035L) & universal 5 gauge (9300192016L)马来西亚制造。 在这全球化的市场,每个企业都需保证他们产品的安全、质量及性能。这可使消费者放心地使用他们所购买的产品。当然,这可促进消费者对这企业的信任度并区分各企业的品牌。 我们以客为尊提供产品及服务并解决客户的问题,为客户带来更多的方便。 请在此www.facebook.com@premiumbatteryjumper按赞 ,表示您对本公司( L&N JAYA SDN BHD)的支持。